
I'm yelling, "Timber!" [URGENT MEETING]

Sparrow I


7 Years
04-14-2018, 04:46 PM
OOC: This is just discussion, not my decision post. Anyone coming in after these posts but before the 18th can totally pretend they heard everything that's already been said. I hope that will simplify this rather intimidating thread!

Lillianna, Lark, and their pups were the first to show up, surprisingly. Sparrow heard Lillianna out. Though she had no standing as the omega, she was still- somehow- a member of the pack. For a time like this, Sparrow felt as if she had to at least give her that decency.

Lark seconded Lillianna and Sparrow gave him a soft, almost pitying expression. They both had changed so much. Nearly swapped. The last time Abaven had faced a threat like this, he was aching to fight while Sparrow voiced her support of anything but. Now, she stood as the alpha and he stood by his mate, fostering a family and considering a peaceful option to protect them. They had almost stolen each other's dreams, hadn't they?

Brandr followed behind and restated his opinion. He was always a good and loyal man and Sparrow owed him a great deal. She let him speak freely before addressed the group again.

"I don't think they would wait long between challenges if I were to fight them. They seem to have a knack for that. As Caelum has told me, their takeover was not peaceful at all. Members of the Abraxas family raided their pack while the challenge went on. Their alpha did not live past the challenge."

Sparrow looked around. She didn't want to give anyone false fear, but she wanted them to understand the Abraxas family as well as they could.

"The Talis takeover was more peaceful. That alpha had met the Abraxas before. No deals were sought between them, but the claiming was held officially and honorably. With these two outcomes, I am tempted to believe they would remain peaceful if we... agreed to their conditions."

As for their conditions, "Malleus Abraxas promised he would not harm any of our members. We would- at the very least- be safe and be able to keep our homes." Sparrow looked at Lillianna and Lark. They had pups- Destruction pups- in the pack.

"Whether or not they keep slaves is still a mystery. Even Imperium kept slaves and they were our allies. From what was spoken, Abaven would stay as-is, only hosting some members. Perhaps they would need healing occasionally or a place to rest, but he assured our safety and that any of his members in our pack would be unobtrusive. If what Talis's old alpha said is true, the Abraxas are many, but they are tight-knit with a structured order. They have no problems gaining support, but they seem to have a strict structure."

Brandr brought up the traveling pack again. This time- for his benefit- Sparrow nodded.

"That is a possibility, but... It's not one I would lead. It is, however, an opportunity for someone else who would like to lead that type of pack if the pack agreed to that."

Then Brandr brought up the spies. Sparrow smiled just slightly at his words.

"I think Brandr is right. These wolves believe themselves to be gods. I think it is likely they would underestimate us. We may get an inside view to their inner workings. Malleus said we could continue our lives as Abaven always has. I do not think they fear us- even if we did talk to other packs."

Sparrow sighed, "Whatever we decide, the other packs are targets too. We can run, but they only seem to follow. I'm sure Caelum's family could tell you that. If we stay here, we stay safe and perhaps gain the chance to help the other packs left. If we don't... I will still follow that to whatever ends I need to to ensure as many of you stay safe as I can."