
I'm yelling, "Timber!" [URGENT MEETING]



10 Years
04-14-2018, 06:52 PM

Hearing the urgent - and highly unexpected - call caused the older woman some concern. Dropping the hare she'd been eating, Caelum went to meet it. For a time Caelum sat at the edge of the space, almost out of sight though not because she was hiding. She simply stopped moving when Sparrow began her announcement. The Abraxas... they were really here already? Her legs, when did they begin shaking? For a time she remained silent and watched the others tossing out their thoughts. Stay, fight, leave, no can't leave. Finally Caelum shook her head and moved to walk into the heart of the gathering as Sparrow finished speaking, dark brows deeply furrowed.

Her ears fell flat for a moment as she collected her thoughts, blue gaze cold and hard as she took a steadying breath. This was not what she'd hoped for. Originally, she held onto hope that Abaven might rally before something happened, that they might have a better response to Zeph's fight training and be ready to defend their home when a threat was present. They were not ready. They were not fighters, not from what she had seen, and what they were saying now. Of course, Caelum had had her home ripped from her twice now, and the first instance had been so much more violent.

This was nothing, not for someone like her, and it pained her to see how the reactions played out. She never thought of herself as terribly strong or feisty, but she surely had more fighting spirit than this. Even as a frail old woman and a mother. Glancing at the others she shrugged before letting out a breath and putting her two cents in, "It's a difficult decision. They seek to spread their influence and their beliefs through conquest - they are awful creatures." she spat, muzzle wrinkling in an expression that bordered closely on a snarl. Sure, she was scared like the rest, but also filled with righteous fury at the very idea of a third home lost.

"I am tired of running, though I can't fault those who might wish to for thinking of the well being of loved ones. This would be the third home me and Zephyr will have lost if that is what happens. I'm no stranger to loss in several of its forms." She glanced over to Sparrow, studying the smaller woman for a long moment, head canted and eyes narrowing just a fraction, "It sounds to me like you are also disinclined to fight. Am I correct? I'd not think less of you for it, however, I am not a fan of acquiescing to the demands of what I see as evil." A heavy sigh fell from her lips. To let these monsters back them into a corner seemed unthinkable. The ghost of her younger self fought against the very thought. Back then, she'd always been one to choose fight rather than flight. "My vote is fight, whether or not I'm in the minority. Be it via insurgency under their noses, or a more obvious resistance to this pseudo-offer matters not."


[Image: caelum_bottle_by_jinxx_black-dbakmat.png]