
I'm yelling, "Timber!" [URGENT MEETING]



6 Years
04-14-2018, 08:05 PM

Corentine had been hunting for a change, breaking from tending to her storage dens. Since Brandr had told her the news of Dauntless she had been in a bit of a funk, worrying over her mother and of Ty. She didn't let it bring her down enough to slack on her duties. She had withdrawn slightly from the others in the pack, trying to sort out her own emotions. The call from Sparrow came when she had just made her kill, her ears perking as her prey grew lifeless in her jaws. It was an urgent call to, which made her worry. What was wrong? Why was she so urgent? Her brows furrowed in worry as she picked up her kill and quickly headed off in the direction. She she got closer she slowed down her ears picking up on the announcement which made her stop in her tracks. Her heart began to race as the fear of loosing her home began to grow within her mind. It had already been fueled by her depression of what happened to Dauntless and now this just escalated.

She dropped her kill unsure whether she wanted to join the meeting or not, and for the longest while she stood there just listening in on the comments made by the others. When Brandr began to speak her heart skipped a beat, what if she lost him? She felt ill just even thinking about it. He had been the only wolf she felt extremely close to. To loose him would devastate her and she wouldn't know what to do with herself. Ears folded back as she listened to what he had to say, the nomadic pack idea was something her family had done for centuries, but she knew some where not up to that and that lifestyle was a lot trickier. She remembered the stories her mother told her of when she was a pup.

Then talk of fighting back was tossed around and she felt her heart ache again. She didn't know how to fight vary well and she doubted she could handle fighting another wolf. She was conflicted as to what input she could give. All she knew is she couldn't loose Brandr, maybe she was being selfish, but she couldn't help it. She sighed before stepping over her kill and closing the distance, joining the pack and going straight over to Brandr. She gently attempted to nudge him in the shoulder seeking some sort of assurance or comfort because she didn't know what to say. Her gold eyes looked to Sparrow uncertainty in her eyes.

"I do not want to give into them, because they do not sound vary trusting, but honestly I don't think I personally couldn't fight vary well. If we had more numbers, more wolves who were experienced in fighting I do believe we could do it, but if these wolves come in vast numbers, there would be no way we could take them on," she stated.

She didn't disagree with Caelum, but she just knew she couldn't fight well. The three pups couldn't fight and someone had to stay with them and defend them. Sparrow, Zeph, Cealum, and lark could, but somehow she didn't feel the rest of the pack could fight vary well.

"At this point i don't know what would be better, if we give them our land then they are winning, if we let them have a few live here as an outpost they are winning, either option seems like these wolves are winning. Though if we Do give them our land I think we should stick together, living with unclaimed territory is better to do in numbers, it's how my ancestors have lived for centuries." she added.

Her input probably didn't help, but really she didn't know what else to say. She was scared and to young to know what was the right thing to do.

"Talk" "You" Think

Brandr, Lucine, & Halation is allowed in any of her threads regardless of the tag