
Dinner and a Show


07-10-2013, 05:48 PM

She had expected him, perhaps to come to her to vent, to blow off steam. He had done so before in the past and she had always sat and listened, no matter what ailed him, he knew he could vent to her, never had she judged him, nor would she. It was not her place to judge him, not when she had so many flaws herself. If she was a diamond in the rough... she was one that sorely needed polishing. Her gaze flickered between two piercing amethysts, her tail contemplatively coiling back and forth, anxious, nervous, she forced the motion to stop. He seemed bemused by her teasing and she relaxed, if only slightly.

Tentatively her teeth tore once more into the rabbit a gentle smile drifting across her maw as she chewed the hare slowly, savoring its taste. She didn't find it odd that Gerhardt had come to see her seemingly out of nowhere, she enjoyed his company, and secretly she wished he would come to find her more often. It was... nice relaxing like this, good company was so hard to find these days. She took a few more generous bites, before offering him the rest, willing him to lay down, there was no need to remain standing, he may as well relax. ?You are kind, thank you.? She murmured softly, tongue escaping her maw, to clean her lips.

His next inquiry, surprised her and that reflected on her face before she quickly masked it, muscles tensing ever so slightly. These were the words the oddly colored dame, didn't want to hear, this was where he would announce that she would be returning, that she would rule beside him and happily ever after would return to the kingdom. She didn't want those words to leave his larynx but she braced herself for their coming. She would continue to serve him just as loyally as she ever had, Elphaba never broke her promises, and when she returned Elphaba would bow, accepting her as the new Queen, even when it stabbed her heart. She swallowed the last bit of hare, unable to enjoy it at all. ?Yes... I was there, I would have fought for you in a heartbeat had you wished it of me.? Her words were slow and deliberate, every syllable thought out and sure. Everything boiled down to his next few words.
