
I'm still breathing



7 Years
Athena I

04-15-2018, 03:19 PM

If her sister was around at this moment she probably would have been chasing Elias off and questioning Zuriel's sanity. At least that's what Zuriel would be doing if the roles were reversed. Once she got Kane settled into the den and got Daelos started on his treatments, she quickly bundled up some horsetail, a small bit of meadowsweet, some dandelion root, and a touch of boneset. She didn't get a good look at Elias' wounds, but she just wanted to be sure she had everything she needed. She wrapped them all in a larger leaf and left again. She stopped briefly to tear off a chunk of meat from the deer she had hunted a couple of days prior, picking it up while carefully tucking her herbs between it and the roof of her mouth.

She hurried back to the borders where she had left him, hoping that he had followed her instructions and had stayed put. Luckily it seemed like he had and she didn't feel quite so frantic now that he was back within view. He seemed so fleeting... like a dream that she woke up from too soon and couldn't quite remember. She sat the meat at his feet and picked up the herbs from on top of it so that she could start unwrapping them and sorting them back out. "I know it's not much, but go ahead and eat. Hopefully you'll feel a little better till you can hunt something for yourself." They had plenty to talk about, but she was going to get business taken care of first. She was a healer through and through and it was hard for her to focus on anything else when there was a patient to care for.

She set the boneset and meadowsweet aside for now and waited for him to finish eating before she did anything with those. In the meantime she started chewing the dandelion root into a paste, placing it back on the leaf she had carried them here in when she was done. "I'm fine. To answer your question from before," she said a bit absentmindedly while she worked. "Daelos is taking care of Kane in case you were wondering. She's going to be a better healer than myself before its all said and done." At least he couldn't say she didn't do her job training their daughter. Daelos certainly wasn't a strong fighter, but neither was she and she didn't really expect her to be. She didn't expect anything out of her children except for them to do what made them happy and to do their best at that.

"Lay down. Let me see your leg." Zuriel realized she was being a bit bossy, but after the state that they showed up in and the jumble of emotions that she was currently fighting off it was a relief to be in her element. Healing was the one thing she was confident in. She used her forepaw to carefully part the fur around the bite wounds on his leg, examining them for a moment before she turned to pick up the dandelion paste she and made. "This will help with the inflammation," she said quietly in case he cared what she was doing to him. She to a second to carefully lick around the wounds, clearing away any dirt and old, dried blood that was stuck there. Once that was done she started gently pressing the paste into the wounds, knowing it would probably sting a bit.

She picked up the boneset and meadowsweet next and sat them at his forepaws. "Here, eat these. They'll help with pain and fatigue." Just as a last precaution she chewed up a bit of horsetail and smoothed it over top his wounds, sealing the edges of his skin together and keeping any other dirt from getting to the exposed flesh. With her task completed she took a step back and examined her work for a moment with a sigh. "There you go. I don't think you'll need another herb change before they heal. They weren't terribly deep. But if you have any problems just let me know."

Zuriel settled down on her haunches a foot or so from Elias and finally let her gaze drift up to his. She wished she had a way to put what she was feeling into words, but she couldn't. There was some concern there as well as happiness and just a touch of frustration. There was something else, but she couldn't figure out what it was. "What are you going to do now?" she asked since she didn't know what else to say.

"Talk" "You" Think