
Is this what bonding is?

Vale I

The Shepherd

3 Years
04-15-2018, 01:04 AM (This post was last modified: 04-15-2018, 12:45 PM by Vale I.)

Vale was definitely not himself and when the healer approached her voice was distorted, he could barely tell she was even a wolf. Femme sounded more like a demon, something terrible from the depths of his psyche which was crumbling before him. Walls he'd built up for so long were finally collapsing and there was nothing he could do to stop it. Was it really the heat that had triggered all of this? Perhaps infection? Regardless he began snapping in the direction the voice was coming from. Hot saliva dripping from the beast's fangs as his jaw pried open.

Maniacal laughter escaped him, but to him it seemed as though it was just in his head. Man couldn't even recognize his own twisted sounds. It wasn't until Elias began barking orders that the brute began to regain a bit of control. Elias told hi to focus on his voice, so he tried as best as he could. Of course not all of his sanity had returned, but enough to try and communicate. ”Elias its gone, everything is gone. It's starting to come back but the headaches. I can't hear, its so loud.” As he spoke, bits of a memory came to his mind, accompanied but the headaches came with it. Someone bigger than Vale snapping in his face, a woman beside him laughing hysterically. Was this the laughing he heard earlier? No this was too light, not as deep and twisted as what he'd heard before. 'Look he's protecting her. Don't worry, boy. We want you tonight.' the woman beside the brute hissed. Who were these people?

Another flash of pain in his head, specifically near his ears, or lack thereof. Vale laughed out loud, his head tilting and jaws snapping shut. He tried to search for Vale in the blurs that were his vision, searching for those ruby eyes of his. Finally finding them, young man would focus, doing anything he could to snap out of this. He wasn't sure what the memory was, but the feelings associated with it were not feelings he wanted anymore. Terror, he was horrified by these people, and also for whatever girl they spoke of. However, Vale couldn't remember a time he had interacted with anyone, much less cared for another. So how could he have memories like this? Had he been blocking this out? If so, the reason was obvious.

Focusing on Elias kept him from getting to violent, but still did not keep these memories away. Another came back, the voice of a pup, feminine, crying out for Vale. He felt a sudden pain and heard the tearing of flesh. Felt himself being thrown against a den wall after. At least it had to be a den, as the memory was vivid enough for Vale to hear the smack of his body on the solid rock wall. Something warm and metallic running down his face on his right side. Blood. Everything was a blur but he could feel all that he felt in that moment. The hurt, both emotional and physical pain. What was this shit and wh couldnt he stop it. A low growl came from the base of the man's vocals. ”Elias” he managed to finally make out. Black, leathery lips pulled back to reveal those sharp yellowed teeth. Man was trying hard to keep himself from getting violent. His one goal to avoid angering Elias. Why was that suddenly so important to him now?

Infected Bite Wound, Neck front left side above the collarbone
Broken Toes, Front Right Paw

Disclaimer: Vale is unpredictable and could have violent outbursts.