
I'm yelling, "Timber!" [URGENT MEETING]



2 Years
Extra large
04-15-2018, 01:34 AM

She was returning from another series of adventures when she heard the howl - damn her timing was always so spot on it was uncanny. Running as quickly as she could - which was pretty dang quick with legs that long - Caelestis went to see what the summons was all about. Hopefully nothing too bad, but from the sound of it... she didn't have high hopes.

Caelestis entered a little later than the rest, but not late enough to miss much of importance. What she didn't hear from Sparrow she gathered from the others words. Caelestis looked around in dismay, her eyes wide and expression filled with concern. They couldn't lose Abaven to those wolves, not after her first home was taken by them! The name Malleus had her looking at Sparrow in shock. So, he was the one who was issuing the ultimatum. Come peacefully, or be taken by force. That wasn't a choice, no, Sparrow, no.

Seeing her mother step up and give her thoughts steadied the girl's nerves a bit. Her mom wasn't keen on giving in. No one was, but they also didn't wanna fight and Caelestis didn't get it. She wasn't a good fighter either, but she also wasn't about to let someone take her home! The feeling of tears pricking at the corners of her eyes was frustrating, though try as she might to hold them back Caelestis couldn't stop a few from falling against her will. Fear, anger, sadness, confusion. So many emotions were swirling through her, settling eventually with the weight of a large stone in the pit of her stomach. "We can't just have one plan!" she mumbled, possibly heard only by those standing closest to her and definitely not loud enough for Sparrow to hear. Thinking quickly, she lifted her head and glanced around at those around her, seeing the many faces and expressions, the different reactions and lack of energy. They'd lose in any fight with such defeated attitudes, that much was certain.

"We could have more than one plan!" the girl said, louder this time. "Who even knows if they still have enough members to hurt us for real. We don't even know if we're really surrounded, do we? All we know is what the guy says but everyone's all scared. Just casue they're big and bad doesn't mean they can't be dirty liars trying to make us think we're outnumbered when we aren't. Shouldn't we figure out if he really has backup? If he doesn't, we could get another packs help before he has reinforcements, maybe. Or... we could make Abaven unreachable for a time? Or, leave, but destroy the land if they'll just come after it. They want the land, but what if it's unusable? We could relocate while they..."

How would they destroy it and distract the enemies? Wait, what about... "Watch it burn! If nobody wants to fight, and giving in to them and living with them isn't good either, we could make him leave, and set it on fire, and escape. They'd be busy watching everything burn while we find new lands far, far away. Maybe? And if we don't stay a real pack, we could do Corentine and Brandr's stuff. Live somewhere unofficially? Help each other. I don't wanna leave it to the Abraxas though. They're- they're... evil. If no one else wants to, I'll do it. I'd rather destroy what they want them let them destroy things."

"And don't think I won't burn it all."

"I will, every blade of grass they try to take."

Caelestis eyed the group, unsure how the idea would be taken but intent on not letting the enemy win. Even if she had to take things into her own paws after the fact, she'd do it. The girl was a fighter, not fighting in some way was unthinkable. The other reactions were utterly disappointing but she'd more than make up for their lack of enthusiasm with her own if that's what she had to do.

Walk. "Speak!" "Think."
[Image: TSMb2UQ.png?1]
Cael has facial scars not seen in all of her art yet!