
you fight & that's alright

Atlas I


8 Years
Large species

The Ooze Participant
04-15-2018, 02:23 AM
He had decided to leave the Island after checking to see if any of his friends wanted to go with to the mainland. Today it seemed like a no, so he made the swim alone and went on his merry way to see what he could see. Atlas enjoyed exploring, especially when he didn't have to chase after any tiny thieves with angry animals running after them trying to get their stolen goods back. They were so very lucky he liked them despite their terrible thieving ways and penchant for getting into the worst sorts of trouble. Without a moose that was closer to one ton than most creatures ever got acting as backup, well, they'd be toast. Sometimes thinking about it made him laugh. He was more or less the reason they could even do any stealing since he was the ferry to and from the mainland. Clearly they must not be that annoying if he kept enabling the behavior.

When he found the strange island off shore, Atlas couldn't help but want to go there. After all, he lived on a island so exploring more of them sounded pretty great! The swim was easy, though most swims were for him. When he arrived, he spent a good deal of time eating and enjoying the foliage, quietly striding through the trees with grace some large creatures could only dream of. After spending time rubbing his antlers on a tree to rid himself of a lingering bit of velvet he'd not noticed before and ensure the antlers really were clean as could be for real now, he caught the scent of a wolf.

For a moment the moose stiffened a bit, but after breathing in more of the scent he noted there was only one. A lone female. That he did not find the least bit intimidating. Most wolves didn't really like the idea of facing him alone, and certainly not with his antlers - which were growing more impressive every year - so there wasn't much cause for concern. On the contrary, he was intrigued by the strangers presence, and without much else to do he'd seek the creature out.

When he finally saw the dark-pelted woman he let out a soft snort to announce his presence to her while doing his best to look as non-threatening as possible. His ear twitched as he regarded her before saying, "It's a beautiful land, isn't it?" his way of greeting, perhaps.