
homeward bound


04-15-2018, 06:17 PM
A year and a half since she'd seen them all. Since she'd seen her family, since she'd been home to Lirim. Still, Fortune's eyes set on Torin, and her entire face lights up. He was a man now, and his voice reflected that fact. The brave closed the gap with her forward, confident gait, approaching him softly. She reached out softly with her nose, and would allow the young man to choose if he'd meet it or not. It's hard to know, when you've been away for so long. "Torin, how big you've gotten," the typical 'family member that hasn't seen you recently' reaction.

And then... well, there he was. Rin looked a bit bedraggled, but Fortune supposed time would do that to you. Something strange washed over her system... relief, was it? Something greater. Like there was a warmth that was spreading and rising in intensity, and... hell. She wouldn't give it heed now. She wouldn't even think about it, because now wasn't the time. Fortune knew that was a lie she'd tell herself. Stepping back from her nephew, she moved closer to Rin, greeting him with a soft touch to the cheek. "It's me... I... we'll talk about it later, okay?" Fortune owed him an apology, and maybe had some things to discuss in terms of feelings. That, or she'd chicken out about it. The latter was a bit more likely. This feelings thing, she really was no good at it.

And then Frostbite. Fortune stepped back from Rin, nodding to the almost-stranger. "Good to see you as well," and then a breath, surveying the small group that had gathered with confusion. Was Faite mad? Well, Fortune supposed she had every right to be. Still, even if she was upset, in the brave's mind she would have still come. "Where's Faite? I wanted to apologize, to ask her if I'm welcome back home." Fortune ached for her sister, her best friend.

shock & awe