
shock to your system [pupper fight lessons]

Zephyr I


10 Years
04-15-2018, 06:23 PM
Zephyr wasn't totally sure what to expect. To say he was shy would be a vast misunderstanding, but over the years he had gotten significantly more introverted, which really wasn't helping the current situation. At least Caelum was along for the ride too, and he offered his mate a smile before she spoke, which awarded her a quick frown. "Have you ever known me to be a chicken? I'm offended!" It was more a rhetorical question than anything, and he shook his head, scoffing softly at her implication. "I always have a plan, my love. Watch the master do his work!" No, he was definitely totally winging it, but he wouldn't admit that out loud - even if it was plainly obvious.

He watched as the wolves started to trickle in. Caelestis was first, and he offered her a soft chuckle. "Patience, Cae - and no, you can't fight me, because you know as well as I that you would win every time." His grin returned, twofold now, as he moved to ruffle the fur right between her ears. Might as well humor her a bit, even if in a way, it was true; he couldn't imagine even having a serious spar with Caelestis when she was fully grown. He loved her far too deeply even for practice fighting, and she would certainly win every time for that reason alone.

Only two other pups arrived, two of Lark and Lillianna's newest litter - if he remembered their names correctly - as well as an older one named Corentine. Well.. he certainly couldn't pit a child against a full grown woman, now could he? He'd have to exercise some creativity here. He waited a bit longer to see if anyone else would show, but it seemed this was all they were getting. While he'd hoped for a better turnout, he knew that he was little more than a newcomer to Abaven, so his lessons likely weren't priority. Ah, well, at least some had shown up!

"Alright now! Uh - thank you for coming," Zephyr started, somewhat stiffly. He was out of practice with those whole leadership thing after so long, but he realized quickly that this more formal persona he'd worked up in his head wasn't gonna fly. Especially not with his kid here. "I know you guys probably want to jump right in to the fighting part. The fun stuff, right?" He was sure Caelestis would be excitedly bouncing up and down by now in agreement. "But.. you need to know that real fighting is nothing at all like play fighting. I mean that. It's scary, not fun, and before you learn how to fight you need to learn how to defend yourself. Now, if you know an opponent is about to strike you, what do you think you should do first?" Zephyr watched as the group tried to set their defenses. Some, of course, might have an idea of what to do, but surely they'd be missing things too.

"One of the most important things to remember is to protect your vital organs. Mostly your throat and underbelly. You'll want to get used to lowering your head and tucking it toward your chest, like this, and keeping your weight low to the ground," he spread his weight to all four limbs, hunkering down slightly as his head tilted toward the earth. "Anyone have any idea what else might be important to do when setting up for a fight?"

"Talk" "You" Think