
Oh, Lonesome Me


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Expert Hunter (120)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

13 Years
Dragon Mod

1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Christmas 2019Treat 2019
04-15-2018, 10:53 PM

"Honestly I would enjoy the company," He let loose a breath of air that he had apparently been holding in. Well, that was one thing out of the way. He had somehow just taken it upon himself to take care of the woman he had mauled over a year ago. He still felt bad about that, but there was no point in even remembering that raid anymore. He was one to hold grudges, yes. But not over stupid pointless things like that. Totally not worth holding a grudge over. Raids happened all the time, no big deal. To most, anyway. "Good." He muttered. He had gotten lost in thought after that, wondering what his next move would be. Would she be willing to follow him to the others? They weren't permanently settled anywhere for the moment, but they were staying around the same general areas. He didn't know when or where Dragon planned to station the pack, whether it would be on this continent or back where they had been for the last couple of years. In Auster, there were two of those Abraxas packs pretty close to where the castle was, and Greed didn't think being so close would be a good idea.

Spacing out into his thoughts, he felt something touch his neck and he froze like a deer in the headlights. His mind went blank, eyes widened and body stiffening as if he had suddenly turned into a statue. "Thank you," He blinked, almost missing what she had said as he tried to register what had just happened. Did...she just? He shivered, trying to collect himself so he could say something that wasn't gibberish. Luckily, she commented on the kill he had been wandering around with, and he managed to find his voice. Barely. "Uh, th-thank you. I uh..." He cleared his throat, ears flicking as he felt and heard his heart pound hard against his chest. Nobody had ever touched him like that or showed him any amount of affection let alone said thank you. It took him by complete surprise, and he was still pretty shocked. "You can have it, if you want. I can catch another one later,"

He moved to nudge the fresh fawn towards her, encouraging her to eat her fill. "I imagine you haven't had a good filling meal since you've been on your own. Eat as much as you want." He encouraged, his voice now somewhat returned to normal. What the hell was wrong with him?


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