Down Falls the Snow
07-06-2013, 12:06 PM
Eren started to laugh at what Midnight had said, releasing her nerves just a little bit. If walls had feelings that would make sense, but she didn't have much of an imagination that was true. Once she caught up to her breath Midnight had asked her name and Eren realized that it had been a bit rude of herself not to introduce her identity her mother had given her at birth. "My name's Eren I apologize." She dipped her head in respect and then raised it again with a smile. Her fears were rising, but they could be pulled away. Her views were different from everyone here, but she could still sit in the same cave. She was thankful of that down to her core. Her sea green eyes flickered shining like a soft glow of the moon. They were odd eyes that was for sure, she had not met anyone on ala with these eyes. Perhaps they were proof of how unspecial her personality could be.
"Guess it's a nice way of getting rid of nerves....laughing I mean." Eren noted looking at her. It was obvious it wasn't only her that was worrying. Their life outcome depended on who won, and who lost. That was how she saw it anyway, you sold your soul to the alpha. Even though she hadn't quiet done that with the ever so nice Gargoyle who had saved her from a lot of pain. Eren licked her shoulder slightly just thinking about it. She wasn't worth saving, she'd take care of herself from now on to make sure nothing like that happened again. She had actually half felt bad for the rogue that had been torn apart. For Eren knew what it felt like to hurt someone so badly, she simply had more self control then most others.