
Seas The Day!



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
04-17-2018, 12:35 AM

The wind against his face, keeping the scent of the new arrival from reaching him. Truth be told, he missed the feeling of the cool northern winds. It was nostalgic, in a sense. Sure, Auster got cold during certain seasons, but here, the north was always cold. And it felt good. Even the cold steel gently pressing against his chest felt good. It wasn't uncomfortable like it might have been if it were Gryphon in his position, what with his brothers shorter fur, but it was just perfect for him. Closing his eyes and allowing himself to relax, he breathed a sigh of contentment. That is, until he heard a low growl from Kimahri. His eyes opened, body turning in the direction of his companion. He still couldn't smell the stranger, but his companion had obviously detected something. "What is it?" He inquired, still somewhat relaxed with a hint of tense muscle.

"Celestial." He hissed in a low tone. Dragon's fur bristled slightly as Shiva came to stand protectively in front of him. It irked him a little that they felt he needed protecting. Yes he was blind, and he was at a sort of disadvantage, but he could still fight. Still, he was...apprehensive. Had Celestial come seek revenge for a silly raid? Had they come to ambush him while he was alone? Granted, both parties had suffered life changing injuries, but he had accepted it and harbored no ill will towards the western pack. Raiding was common, and he wasn't the first nor the last to do it. "Who are you?" He questioned, voice loud enough for whoever it was to hear him.


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.