
Rat Race



6 Years
Extra large

04-17-2018, 05:42 AM (This post was last modified: 04-17-2018, 06:29 AM by Elias.)

Elias wasted no time getting in the predicted trajectory of the capybara's escape route. He was transfixed on not only their convenient prey but the young man in his present company. His eyes flashed over to help when he heard him yell, 'Shut up!' Though, it did not seem like he was yelling in Elias' direction, no... Elias knew very well what his son was yelling at.

So he had a demon? Elias nearly forgot about the prey, wading in the water of the Rio Grande now solely watching the young piano key brute. He watched as he diligently ran after the capybara's trail into the water, and even watched as he fell and- almost as if in a craze- got right back to his feet like nothing at all happened.

The splashing sound of water nearer to him got him out of his mind, his eyes looking to the source on his right. The capybara could not see very well over the currents of the Rio Grande, not with as fast as it was attempting to get away from the male behind him- but with Elias distracted, it managed to get close enough to see him and realize the immediate danger it was in.

The capybara began to steer to its left, away from Elias and toward the bank that Elias entered the river from. Elias used every muscle in his body to turn himself against the current and follow. His toes were splayed out across his large paws, the webbing between them doing their absolute best to propel him forward and launch him after the capybara. His long legs made for great swimming strokes beneath the water's surface, and before too long-term, he managed to get closer to the bank than the capybara. The capybara was now faced with a volatile set of jaws, and with no other option, it redirected it's escape route back the way it came- deciding to swim with the current now and take its chances, hoping to be faster than the wolf that had initially started chasing it and swim past Cloud.

Medium Prey Hunt | Capybara | Round Two

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

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