
Alone in a Room



6 Years
04-17-2018, 08:05 AM

She was meeting a lot more faces now that she had moved back up into Boreas. It was also a lot hotter down there then up in Boreas. Over all she was enjoying it a lot more then Auster. She still had yet to find which way to get back to Abaven (or realist she was near it), but someday she would be able to get back there to be reunited with her family. She wanted to see her mother and siblings again. She didn't plan to stay in Abaven, in fact she didn't plan to really stay in any pack at this point. She liked her freedom to much at this point in her life and she needed to get more traveling done to satisfy that.

She had just finished a meal, buried the remains, and cleaned off her fur. She had decided that she wanted to lounge a little before taking off on her next journey. She didn't often plan out her journey's so there was no telling where exactly she would go or if she would get into trouble along the way. Moving along quietly the women made her way through the brush. Dipping and weaving her body to avoid making noises. She was looking for a decent spot to settle down for a while without drawing attention from others. While moving she had crossed with a fresh deer trail and not just one deer. Even though she had just ate she curiously fallowed it.

It didn't take her long for the herd to come into view, a nice view to have while she relaxed. So she found a nice spot and settled down, watching the small herd of white tailed deer before her. Now that it was autumn the days were a lot more tolerable.

"Derecho Talk", & 'Derecho Think"