
I'm yelling, "Timber!" [URGENT MEETING]



7 Years
04-17-2018, 10:25 AM
What Kassander heard when he answered Sparrow's urgent call was troubling. He sat back on the outskirts of the group and simply listened, growing more and more worried. He'd just finally settled here, after losing so much he had been beginning to be happy again. He'd gotten back to innovating in healing instead of just crafting alcohol for his packmates to use and trade, he was finally feeling useful again instead of just being used. Now Sparrow was talking about turning the pack over to another group who would be doing just that again, only worse.

Finally he spoke up, his graying muzzle turned towards Brandr. "Brandr, you say that they want to subvert the land for their own use, that giving up the lands and going nomadic would stop them from seeking us out. But they didn't stay on Dragoste's old lands. Those were here in Boreas - the Abraxas have been in Auster for as long as we've known about them, haven't we? So they didn't choose to attack Dragoste for their lands. Leaving here might not be enough to satisfy them. And... if they felt their own members were untrustworthy enough that they needed to assure us that their members would be ordered to behave themselves, we ought to consider that they may not be trustworthy enough to keep their promises."

He sighed, and shuffled his paws. "I don't know what we should do. I don't think we should expect you to fight for us though, Sparrow, I know that much. I just know that... I was happy here, and I didn't want that to change. Maybe... maybe if we sent an emissary to talk with them we could make them see that they don't have to do this We could make them understand that..."

His stomach twisted violently at the other option, something he thought he would never, ever have suggested again, but he steeled himself and opened his mouth again. "Or we could gather our allies and lay siege to them. Abaven has done it before, and when I led Ebony we laid siege to a larger and stronger pack, and came through victorious. It is a possibility if all else fails. Otherwise, are we not simply giving them a base to continue to do this to other packs? Our allies? Our friends? Family?"

He gulped quietly to himself, then continued. "If the decision is made to turn the pack over to them, I will remain here as long as there are any other Abaven wolves still here. I won't leave any of our pack alone with their necks under the the Abraxas paws."