
Alone in a Room



6 Years
04-17-2018, 10:32 AM
This place was surprisingly peaceful, quiet, and yet she felt so mysteriously energized. If it wasn’t for being weighed down by the injured fawn she had feasted on she might have the drive to simply chase this herd around for pure sport. Her silver-blue eyes intently watched the prey, so unaware of her presence. It was strange at how at peace the deer were with her not that far from her, but it gladly gave her something to do as she digested for a bit. Her thoughts pulled to her family again. Thinking of her mother, her sisters, and her brothers. After all this time would they still be welcoming of her? She was sure her mother would, but her siblings she wasn’t to sure. The boys always seemed to hate her and back then she was cocky and highly independent to the point she had little time for them. Thinking back now she regretted being that way, not spending more time with them. She liked her freedom but the loneliness is what made it hard.

Then the reoccurring question surfaced within her mind, one that always came up when it came to her family. She hadn’t been around to find out why her true father wasn’t in the picture. Bass acted as one, but she knew the light colored male was not her father. Like any child she dreamed about what her father looked like, acted like, and even smelled like. What was his name? Where did he come from? So many questions and no answers to satisfy her thirst for knowledge. If she saw her mother again she would surly ask, but the hard thing was her mother was blind so what knowledge she would have still wouldn’t satisfy the young women’s mind. She wanted to meet the man herself, no matter what kind of creature he was. She focused herself back on the herd, not wanting to dwell on things she couldn’t get answers to, besides that wouldn’t be relaxing.

She could hear the quiet approach of the male, he was downwind from her and came in the same way she did. He must be looking for a decent breakfast and fallowed the herd also. Her ears remained alert, but she was still as a statue as she watched the herd and tracked the male’s movements. When the movements came to a stop close to where she was her body tensed ever so slightly, since her run in with Deamon she was being more cautious around strange men. Then he called out a greeting in a hushed tone, one that didn’t disturb the herd that was close to them she turned her head towards him her silvery blue eyes looking over his face then to his scars. He was a respectable distance so she wasn’t worried just yet.

”Good morning, looking for breakfast?” she greeted in hushed tones as well not wanting to scare the herd away.