
Oh, Lonesome Me



8 Years
04-17-2018, 11:15 AM
She hadn’t registered his tense form when she had placed her touch, lingering only long enough for him to feel it then swiftly turning away. She felt like she owed him a thank you, even though his words from thier last conversation lingered within her mind. He didn’t think he was good, but what he didn’t know is that he was. He was being a good person right now with not leaving her to herself, offering her a meal, and even willing to teach her how to hunt and defend herself. Him being here was calming the confusing mass of emotions that had been plaguing her since her banishment. Though part of her was glad, if she remained where she had been there was a chance she would never be able to continue getting to know her new friend. How could Regulus think he was an enemy after Greed was doing all of this for her. It didn’t matter anymore she was free to make her own desicions and thoughts on others with no alpha to fallow anymore she didn’t have any rules to break. It was beginning to feel..... oddly refreshing? Though she didn’t understand why.

She smiled as he nosed the kill to her telling her to eat her fill and that he would catch one later. She was feeling hungry and gratefully accepted the offer. Settling down beside him, but leaving about a foot of distance between them, she began to dig in. Quietly she ate, letting silence come over them as she ate. Her thoughts then lingered on his pack, the disbanded Talis. Was he still fallowing them around? Was she keeping him from his duties? It made her finish her bite to speak

”Has your pack rebuilt itself yet?” she asked.
* Is completely Blind due to Maim by Greed, looks like her eyes are always closed. *
Acapella has a Dhole companion that is almost always with her unless stated otherwise.
Greed is allowed in any of Ella's threads regardless of the tag.