
I'm yelling, "Timber!" [URGENT MEETING]



2 Years

Treat 2019
04-17-2018, 12:43 PM
She had only just the afternoon before now finished burying her mother in the shade of one of the few willow trees far enough back from the river not to risk the grave being disturbed by erosion from floods. It had been far more emotionally draining than the young woman had thought, though she'd been preparing herself mentally for that day for months. Turns out, no matter how ready you think you are, losing a beloved parent is still crushing. She hadn't felt up to facing any of her new-found relatives yet to tell them of their aunt's passing.

But when Sparrow's urgent call reached her, she couldn't ignore it. She was part of the pack now, so grief or no, she needed to do what had to be done. Drying her eyes of tears the girl trotted out to join the strangers gathered around Sparrow.

What she heard made her put aside her grief in shock.

She listened in growing disbelief at the discourse between the pack members before an opening to speak finally opened up and she burst out with, "We need to fight, of course! They can't just take away our pack and expect us to just fall in line with it. And why should you have to fight for us? I'm not afraid to fight them." She drew herself up, those bi-colored eyes fierce in a way that the matching ones her mother had borne never had been. "I don't care how big these monsters are, they aren't too big that we can't take them down." One of the older wolves had spoken of taking them down from the inside, and the idea appealed to the youth as it had to many, many generations of youths before. Revolution often did stir the passions of young people into flame.

She raised her head high to gaze around at the other strangers. "If you don't want to fight them head on, then at least don't just run away! Bullies don't stop just because they have what they wanted. They'll just keep taking! And if they know they can get you to give up to them then they'll find you and keep taking from you. But if you're all really for giving up Abaven without a fight I say we make them choke on it. Make them so miserable here that they regret ever even considering taking my mother's home, my uncle's legacy, away from us. I'll fight." She nodded, fiercely and firmly, to Caelum.