
Of monsters and men


04-17-2018, 04:14 PM
She returned to the lands she was brought up to after her mother had left with two of her sisters to hunt in foreign lands. She was larger than she had been when she left. She stood a full fourty-five inches now and weighed in at a hefty one hundred and seventy pounds. She was a sight to behold now. With a curved figure and a well groomed pelt she was looking even more woman than she truly was. She had a full season yet until she turned two, until she came into her first heat. She knew her duties as an Asmodeus princess. She was to produce as many hellions as she could and raise them as proper Asmodeus' should be.

Father spoke of bedding her to strengthen her first litter though she had yet to choose to do so. She would be in control of her children fully. She would not become like Kaitlyn and abandon her children, nor like Vianni and run from the demon king.

The silence of this forest did not disturb the demoness. If anything she welcomed it's silence, it reminded her of her birthplace. She layed upon a rock beneath a tree, situated like the princess she was. She sat really with her head held high as she observed the forest around her. Deer grazed peacefully, watching her every now and again. She was disinterested in them though. She'd be moving north again soon to where the antiox was. She doubted anyone was there now but her bed would still be welcoming enough. Her polar bear pelt would need aired out likely though.