
I'm yelling, "Timber!" [URGENT MEETING]



8 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterDouble MasterTreat 2019Promptober 2019
04-17-2018, 05:51 PM
ooc:  Posting again, I apologize if I'm butting in front of anyone. Just trying to see if I can work out IC what Brandr would want to do for the poll.

Brandr resisted the urge to shudder at the mention of the Talis takeover. Sure, it may have seemed peaceful but Sparrow hadn't met the youth that had taken over, she hadn't stared him down on the edge of the Abraxas territory.  Even though he'd been younger every word made Brandr feel like a child. The underlying danger slithering out between the man's words was enough to make his skin crawl. They'd be safe if the Abraxas took over? Brandr silently shook his head. Nonsense. Had she really been so easily swayed by some nice words?  Sure they'd be safe, but for how long? A day? A week? A year if they were lucky? And at what cost to those around them to be an accessory to the Abraxas' conquest? He could already feel the shame.

Brandr was willing to lead a nomadic pack but it didn't seem to be of much interest to the rest of his packmates. He could understand. He was raised with different ideals and while the land a pack resided in was important in terms of food and stability, the safety and close-knit nature of the wolves was what made a pack in his mind. He'd been hoping to offer a solution to this situation without anyone having to spill blood. His gaze drifted to Corentine as she nudged his shoulder. He shifted his weight just slightly toward her wishing to press his shoulder into hers, to feel her near him in the hopes that perhaps she could steady is rapidly beating heart. He hated the thought of risking her safety. They could very well be tortured, raped or killed for trying to stand up to the Abraxas. The decision to fight could not be taken lightly, but that didn't mean he was going to be a meek little sheep and stay put waiting for slaughter.

He couldn't help but smile softly though at Corentine's words about her own ancestors having lived as a nomadic pack for centuries. It seemed they had something else to talk about. He was glad he was not alone but he could see that this solution was not for Abaven. It was just to different culturally from the values of his pack mates. If the wolves of Abaven felt that the pack as it was now was worth dying for then he would aid them.

When Caelestis spoke Brandr felt himself smiling at her spirit but he winced at the mention of burning the land. He had know knowledge of fire save a lucky lightning strike. Not to mention it seemed a truly desperate act but he appreciated her spunk none-the-less. When Kassander spoke, Brandr spoke up as well. "My apologies Kassander, I realize I wasn't clear. When I said subvert the land I meant on a grander scale in a more spiritual sense. As part of their 'holy' conquest, not that they are attacking us for our specific territories. They seem intent on conquering or scattering rooted-down packs comprised of those they deem as 'mortals'." He snorted at the ridiculousness of the Abraxas' delusion. Though he had not heard of any loners being specifically targeted, nor nomadic groups. It seemed as if they just wanted to dissolve all other packs that weren't some how connected to their god.

Brandr found himself smiling again as another youth spoke up, every bit as fiery as Caelestis. They were truly remarkable in their spirit. If these were the youths of Abaven then Brandr almost felt a sting of pity for the Abraxas when these young wolves reached adulthood. He continued to struggle to sum up his thoughts and it wasn't going as he'd hoped so he started to speak, hoping everything would fall into place.

"I think what it boils down to for me is I don't want to just roll over onto my back and give into their demands so that I can pretend everything is just fine and the same as it always was."  He couldn't stand the thought of Abaven becoming a den of wickedness or a compliant doormat while it's members just lived in the delusion that they were perfectly safe and no one else was getting hurt.

"If the Abraxas move in we need to utilize the opportunity to subvert them as much as possible. We need to ensure, before agreeing to this, that we will be allowed to travel in and out of the packlands as we wish and that we won't be tailed.  Of course, we have no guarantee the Abraxas will adhere to this so we'll need to be vigilant."

He listened as Sparrow spoke but found himself shaking his head. "I disagree though, I do not think they'll underestimate us. In fact they may expect this. They've proven skilled conquerors already and if we underestimate them we'll be the ones in serious trouble. I volunteer to ferry out information to the other packs." If this was the route they wanted to go they needed to work out a strategy quickly before the Abraxas overlords arrived. Brandr had no intent of making things easy for them.

"Regardless, we'll need to consider a more permanent solution before another pack is targeted and if the rest of Abaven prefers to rally and engage in outright warfare you will have my jaws. I'll rip as many throats as I can." The words were out of his mouth before Brandr could stop them as it suddenly dawned on him that regardless, there was going to be a fight. If not now then later. One way or another they were going to wind up going head to head with the Abraxas if they chose not to fall in line.  "If all else fails and we must retreat to the wilds for a time. I am willing to lead a temporary nomadic band until we can get back on our feet."

"Talk" "You" Think