
Wrong Way



3 Years
Extra large
04-18-2018, 12:00 AM (This post was last modified: 04-22-2018, 03:25 PM by Miach.)

Miach's recent encounter with his brother had an unexpected outcome. However, he was glad to have gotten it done with, as he felt this would better their relationship in the long run. He still had to speak with an alpha of Lirim to discuss leaving the pack, as well as his mother. As much as he appreciated her raising him and Lirim's help, it was simply time to move on with his life. If his father decided he wanted nothing to do with the man, then he would simply train and better himself until his father felt he was worth spending some time with. All this had been eating away at him for the past few days, he just wanted to get away. Titan ended up wandering north, where the weather was significantly colder. With the sudden temperature drop, the man now wished he had a thicker coat. The bitter wind threatened to have the man frozen by nightfall. Miach was sure he'd find some sort of shelter soon, or his body would simply adapt to the harsh climate the north provided him with. Traveling through this area made him realize how truly desolate this land appeared. There were, of course, the prey that was used to the climate here, but as far as wolves went, he had yet to spot any.

Brute decided to come to a stop in Frost Island. The area called to him, it was quite beautiful. The sight of snow covering the trees and other foliage, and inches of it blanketing the earth left Miach in awe. It might have been a desolate land, but it seemed to hold many beautiful wonders. You really only had to look past the harsh weather to see it. Titan stopped for a moment to take it all in. Lids shut over those bright ruby eyes and he held his snout high in the air. The bitter air stung as he inhaled, but as he sat there enjoying the moment his body adjusted. Snow fell to the earth, little flakes beginning to land on his coat and he smiled. He'd spent so much time training, he hadn't had a day to enjoy himself. Hell, no one was around, would it really be an issue to let go this once? Taking a moment to think it over, he decided it would definitely be worth it. The sudden boost of energy made him feel like a kid again.

Back toes dug into the soft snow as his talons desperately searched for a way to get some grip. Miach lifted himself in the air for a moment, desperately trying to catch some of the falling snowflakes. Massive jaws snapping wildly in the air before he could no longer hold himself up. Eyes wide with excitement as he pranced around in the snow still trying to eat the flakes before they reached the blanketed earth. Taking a break every now and then to shake his fur off. As much as he loved playing in it, the snowflakes melting in his coat made him mildly uncomfortable. This alone time he was graced with was absolute bliss. He hadn't felt this free in a long time, even though he'd been roaming for such a long time. All work and no play made Miach a very dull boy. Eyes closed again and he pointed his muzzle to the sky, chuckling. Man was enjoying this feeling, no responsibilities for once really helped relieve a lot of stress. As serious as he was, everyone needed to relax here and there. Otherwise, the world would be full of pricks.

Titan was content, spending his time like this. He was seriously considering doing this more often. Perhaps this could be his private spot, somewhere to escape all of his troubles. Big wolf dove muzzle first into the cold mush that covered the ground, rolling around in it. He was attempting a wolf angel. However, when he got up it kind of looked like a big random blob in the snow. Eh, no matter. A smirk played at his maw as he turned a few times in place before settling in the snow, Leaving those large limbs out in the open as he leaned onto his side. Head collapsed in the snow and the brute just sighed. He wasn't looking to sleep, only relax a bit before moving on to get things done. He didn't want to think about what lay ahead of him just yet. The young man wanted to savor this time he had, live in the moment.

Walk, "Talk" Think