
Friend Request

Terra I


2 Years
04-18-2018, 01:08 AM (This post was last modified: 04-18-2018, 01:30 AM by Terra I.)
Terra had been searching for her sister for a long time, depriving herself of some much-needed socialization. Her mother had died that past Summer, shortly after Terra had come of age. Since then, she’d been searching, with no luck. Perhaps her mother had been way off in her suspicions, and sister dearest wasn’t strong enough to even keep herself alive this long. Then again, Terra hadn’t known a lot about Rae, just what her mother told her. Femme knew of her parents, but not where they had come from.  

The woman decided she might as well find herself some kind of shelter, for now, putting her little quest on hold. Social butterfly needed to find someone to talk to. She might even be able to con herself into snatching an accomplice. A partner in crime to keep her company on her travels. Beauty didn’t want to travel alone anymore, she needed some sort of company. Besides, she was gorgeous, who wouldn’t want to tag along?

She had scouted out the Singing Caverns, deciding it might be a nice place to hunt. Get herself a nice prize and possibly meet someone new there later. However, she still had to find someplace warm to settle down for the night. The girl climbed the rocky terrain that was Mount Volkan, hoping to find that the lava pool atop provide her with some warmth. Eyes narrowed as the smell of ash and molten lava filled her nose. It was such a strange scent, definitely something she’d just have to adjust to.

The smell must have masked the scent of another, because there she was, atop Mount Volkan. A small creature with large ears, quite disproportionate if you asked Terra. Still, she was intriguing, another beauty way up here. She was all by herself too, strange for a creature of her size. Terra smirked, she’d found herself shelter and a companion. Now, she just had to win the girl over. “Ave, wanderer. Out here alone?”
Terra is fluent in Latin.