
Friend Request



3 Years
04-18-2018, 01:10 AM (This post was last modified: 04-18-2018, 01:11 AM by Kahaia.)

Kahaia had been roaming for some time since her meeting with Kane. She’d come to grow attached to the brute, but wanderlust brought her to hunting for herbs again. The girl would be able to find him again, surely. Besides, they each had their own lives, things to do and take care of. No doubt they’d run into each other again. Lass had his scent in her memory, she’d be looking for him again after wandering for a while, She’d traveled to Mount Volkan in search of elderberries. Something to keep her health in order for days to come.  It wasn’t an extremely common herb to find, but she had a good feeling she’d come to the right place to start looking.

Her search wasn’t going so well, probably because she was still thinking so much about the man. It was an odd feeling to be attached, something she wasn’t used to. He seemed to be on her mind nonstop. However, an unexpected visitor pulled her from her thoughts. Ave? What was that supposed to be, some sort of greeting? Kahaia turned her head and this visitor came into her sights. A lean woman, almost the size of Kane but not quite as tall. Again, how were people making wolves this large? The two were similar in color, aside from Kahaia’s red. The woman’s coat was donned in different hues of brown, with odd swirls to add to the mix.

”Yes, I’m alone. Kahaia, and you would be?” Kahaia would give the woman plenty of time to answer before going back to looking for the elderberries. They would need direct sunlight, so she looked for areas that seemed to be getting the most sun to them.