
Sweat, Baby, Sweat

Terra I


2 Years
04-18-2018, 01:33 AM (This post was last modified: 04-18-2018, 06:21 AM by Terra I.)

OOC: Rolled for Success & Damage per character.
Success: 1d20, got 19. Success with some injury.
Damage: 1d10, Terra: 3, Kahaia: 9, Cloud: 4

Lady was glad to find herself a companion finally. Luck having won the girl over, but Terra would keep on believing that it was all skill. No need to crush her dreams of being the best there ever was. She’d decided they go for a hunt in the same place she’d scouted earlier. She was hoping for a Dall Sheep, it would definitely be a challenge. Surely her little healer friend would be of great use afterward should something go awry. Lass could easily patch the goddess up, making her good as new.

“We’re going for a little hunt, my dear. I know you’re hungry.” Terra would take the lead, looking for tracks and trying to pick up a scent. These sheep were known for traveling in groups, so Terra was thankful to have the little one tagging along. Kahaia could distract the sheep and Terra would be able to take it down. The woman could care less if they got an ewe or a male. An ewe might be a little easier to take down, but they would take what they could get.

Finally, they approached a group of them. A few lambs and ewes, but mainly males. Before they would get any closer, Terra had to run down her little plan, so nothing could possibly go wrong. Terra knew what she was doing, how could it? “So, I want you to target one of the ewes specifically, they are the ones with the thinner horns. They’d be the easiest to catch. Now, she’ll run back towards where we came from, looking for rocky terrain to get us off of her tail. I need you to keep up with her. I will be right behind you, waiting to strike from the side. Hopefully, this will catch her off guard and we should have ourselves a nice little meal. Got it little one?”

Terra is fluent in Latin.