
Between Psycho & Sanity



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
04-18-2018, 02:51 AM

"And how have you changed?" Dragon lightly scoffed. That was a question easily answered. If he knew what Lykos was thinking, he'd tell him he wasn't the one that had never changed. He didn't stay bitter or angry or resentful. He learned from everything around him, and just like everyone else had also made mistakes. And more than likely he would continue to make mistakes because nobody was immune to that aspect of life. "You're not stupid. I never really thought of you as stupid. Arrogant? Yes. A jerk? Yeah. But even you know I'm not the same wolf I was before."

He moved a few steps closer to him, churning the water around his feet so that it glowed. And the glow would make the scars on his face visible. "I've led a pack for some time now, and they followed. Leading others who depend on you, changes you. Fighting for them changes you. Making decisions that you don't know whether they're the right or wrong ones, changes you. I may not be the smartest or the strongest or the best out there, but I damn well tried for them!"

His tail lashed, fur bristling slightly. He was irked that his brother would even ask him how he'd changed. "Maybe if you weren't so busy chasing Mercy's tail and brooding about everything you'd know. You claim she was like your family, or better than us or whatever. But where is she now? Hm? Even though we had our stupid quarrels, we were always here for you whether you want to believe it or not! You were never without a place to go, you chose to go nowhere. But if the past is what you want to hold on to, then that's on you." He wasn't quite sure why he bothered saying so much so suddenly. Maybe it was the pent up feelings. Maybe he was mad at his brother for staying so distant. And no matter how much he tried to deny it, he couldn't lie to himself. He missed him.


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.