
Not Sure Anymore



7 Years
04-18-2018, 12:45 PM

The ball then dropped, the one she had been dreading since he arrived, though the way he worded things made her feel more inclined to decide on his pack. Brows furrowed as he stated she may think he was crazy. She knew there was more to this family then she could clearly imagine, but for him to call himself crazy made her want to question the statement. Somehow wolves like her played a role with his family. How? She wasn't sure, but there was no reason to consider him crazy. In fact if it wasn't for his rituals she would consider him..... Normal.

Though he words made her think others like her didn't have an open mind, didn't want to give his family a chance just because they were different from everyone else. The good soul within her ached for him. It wasn't nice that no one gave it a chance. Her family had all been more light hearted and had always wanted to do good in the world. Was this the reason her travels made her stop in Auster? Not for Dragon's pack but for Ashiel's? A softer smile spread on her face, eyes softening to try and visually show him that he was wrong, that he wasn't crazy.

"It's not crazy, in fact that's what I've been fighting myself about. You proved yourself to be a strong leader when you beat Dragon. I didn't have many ties to his pack other then joining and something about your family is...... Fascinating?" she wasn't sure if that was what she wanted to use to explain them. "Bottom line is I am more then willing to learn more about your family, your religion, heck maybe your gods guided me this way."

She grinned then trying to make the conversation on a better note. She stood then and turned to face him her tail wagging again.

"I feel like this conversation has helped me to decide. Will you lead the way to your territory?" she had decided just like that.

"Zinnia Talk", & 'Zinnia Think"