
We Were Loose Cannons Firing Off In The Distance



7 Years
04-18-2018, 01:00 PM
Navigation: Bent Canyon

She was growing used to her cave den by now, even though the colder nights it still felt rather cold. She was liking it here more with each passing day and had her hopes set on getting to know the members of the new pack she now called home. She had already met Typhon and felt drawn to the man. Like Ashiel he had seemed to be vary nice, treated her with respect despite being a mere mortal. Though it helped that she tread lightly and tried to show her upmost respect to the family. There was others that she needed to meet, but she didn't want to annoyingly push herself into their lives. It may take a long process, but she would get to know them and hopefully learn her place in the pack and the family.

Today her light colored form moved with ease among the rocks, testing her balance and learning how to keep her movements careful and swift. She was smaller them most, if not all the other members and knew that was a good thing to have when treading over this more tricky terrain. She moved at a careful pace, testing the spots she stepped and being careful to avoid loose rocks. She was doing a fair job so far, but she was no sure footed goat and could easily mess up. So was farther down from where Pyralis had taken up her sunning spot and with her light coat was vary easy to pick out among the red dirt.

Pausing her eyes looked around, balancing herself in her current spot. Looking for the next place to go, where to place her next step. She went to take her next step, but the sound of a bird up ahead zapped her attention, causing her to step in the wrong spot. Where she stepped was all loose and down the rocks went. She wasn't able to catch herself and tumbled right with the rocks. Luckily the spot wasn't steep and though she got a little dirty, she wasn't too banged up by the time she reached the bottom. For a moment she laid in the loose stones unsure what happened, then growled lowly under her breath. Standing up she shook the red dirt from her pelt and tried to regain herself.

"Speech" & 'Think'