
From the Beginning [Ásvor, Finnvi fam]



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
04-18-2018, 07:11 PM

Asvor's attention shifted to her sister's ravens as she watched them fly from her shoulder to a nearby tree branch. Perhaps she ought to find a companion of sorts, something with more skillful hands or even a bird's beak to help her collect herbs she might not otherwise be able to get to. She had yet to find a companion she felt she could tolerate for long enough periods, though. She supposed if the time was right that they would come to her, or she would otherwise find them.

"I wonder where Runa is, and if her visions are as vacant as I fear they must be." The female would exhale softly, saddened by the thought. At the question of what their first step should be, she first shrugged lightly. While part of her longed to find one of the only wolves she considered a true companion, though their meetings held vast time and space between them, she decided against telling Naudir of Valdis. There was no reason to dwell on something that would not be - the northern lands were her domain, and the last she knew, her friend was working her way up through the ranks of a pack across the continent.

"I don't think I would be fit to lead, either. If anyone, I would say Tau would have the drive to rule, but it's been so long since I've seen him." If there were even wolves left in these lands who followed their ways, she was not sure. "Perhaps you can wrangle up a mentor for me. Seriously, this time," Asvor added, her head tilting slightly as she spoke. Whether in a traditional fashion, or a more creative one... she didn't mind either way. Knowledge was always a suitable endeavor, if nothing else. "And perhaps we ought to scout these lands more carefully. I'd be disappointed to know if someone means to settle here without us knowing about it first."