
Ardent's Future



6 Years
Extra large

04-19-2018, 07:09 AM
I'm here to say that specializations sound awesome and I would be very happy to see them implemented, it is a nice way to see at a glance the direction that people have gone with their characters- ones that you might not have had the chance to follow, and it's sort of like.. a little badge for what you've accomplished. I would love that!

Also, for the rolling system in fights- this is something I'm very used to over on Furcadia. However, when we used it it was always something that had to be agreed upon for both parties before it happened. Most of the time, we had general fight rules that people followed. But, if people wanted to leave it up to chance for fun roleplay, we did have options to implement dice into our fights.

Actually, here is what I implemented in my own dream that I ran on Furcadia when using dice rolls/RNG.
Quote:Dodge Rule or Chance?;
By default, all players must abide by Whisperwood's dodge rule when fighting. Your character may dodge no more than two hits in a row. If you dodge two, the third one you will have to take. Whenever you take a hit, the two dodge grace starts over so be wise about which hits you pass up and which ones you let land.

Feel like taking a gamble? If the dodge rule doesn't work for you, and as long as all participants agree, you may use dice. Using this dice system is optional.

For chance battles, each player will start off with 10 points, and by the end of the rounds, the opponent holding the highest amount of points will win. At the end of each round, the points should be tallied so everyone knows where they are at. If your character goes below 0 points, you automatically lose and are out of the battle.

Point System;
To gain points, you land attacks.
+1 point for a minor attack. (Shove, trip, light scratch.)
+2 points for a normal attack. (Scratch, short bite.)
+3 points for a grip or stun. (Pin, long bite, causing disorientation, temporary blinding.)
+4 points for a severe attack. (Maim, large gash, permanent blinding, etc.)

Point deductions are from injuries.
-1 point for light scratches, moderate bruising, and other lesser attacks.
-2 points for moderate scratches/bites to severe bruising.
-3 points for severe bites, maims or landed grips/stuns.

Dice Roll;

Once an attack is made, a twelve sided die is rolled by the attacker to decide if the attack lands. Each attack must be specified in the roll. All attacks are rolled for separately. Note that you must specify what intensity you are trying for. For instance, if your character is trying to bite- are you trying a normal attack bite for two points, a bite and hold for three points, or a severe attack bite (like a bite/hold/thrash) for four points? Be careful! Because if you do not get the specified intensity you tried for it does not mean you can switch to a lesser one, you would just miss the attack entirely.
4+ to land minor attacks.
6+ to land normal attacks.
8+ to land a grip/stun.
10+ for severe.


Once all attacks are rolled for, the next step is evade. If an attack is landed, you can roll to avoid the attack. The defendant rolls the same die and specifies which attack they are trying to avoid. If you choose to, you can skip this step if you do not want your character to avoid attacks. Keep in mind that if your modifiers for evade add up to less than -4 you will not be able to avoid any attacks, as you need a roll of at least 9 to grant the dodge.

NOTE: If your character is trying to be pinned/held/grappled, you can attempt to evade as normal. If your evade fails, your character is in a pin/hold you do not get to evade attacks after that point. Instead, after your opponent attacks again use 'roll 1d2' to see if your character is able to break free in your next post. 1 you are still locked, 2 you can break free. Modifiers do not apply to this roll.


That would be the +2 you are seeing at the end of our rolls. Modifiers may be required depending on the specifics of your characters. Realistically, some wolves have higher chances than others when it comes to battle- even though this is a chance battle, we'd like to keep some realism true to the gamble.

Attack Modifiers;
+1 if your character is between the ages 3-6
-1 if your character is below 2
-1 if your character is older than 10
+1 if your character is 4+ inches taller than the defendant
+1 if your character weighs 30+ lbs more than the defendant
+1 if your character is of beta or higher ranking
-1 if your character is a slave or omega
+2 if your character has the defendant in a hold/pin.

Evade Modifiers;
+1 if your character is between ages 3-6
-1 if your character is below 2
-1 if your character is older than 10
+1 if your character is shorter 32"
+1 if your character is less than 120 lbs
-1 if your character is taller than 38"
-1 if your character is more than 150 lbs
+1 if your character is of beta or higher ranking
-2 if your character is stunned, blinded, or otherwise temporarily disoriented.

Dice rolls/modifers do not effect how many points are granted from the landed hit. Keep track! Once the rounds are finished, points will be added/subtracted and the opponent with the highest score wins.

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

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