
Show me how you do that trick.

Kane I


Dire wolf
04-19-2018, 07:32 AM (This post was last modified: 04-19-2018, 07:34 AM by Kane I.)

When Kahaia had chosen to curl up beneath him for a place to sleep, Kane had really no idea how to react. He hadn't been so close to anyone in a manner that wasn't forced upon him since he was a pup, and that had only been with his immediate family. Honestly, he froze.. his hackles even prickling slightly as he felt her warm body touch his chest and move in between his forelimbs. Fuck, this was different- and he had to remind himself that this touch was different from the touch of an opponent or an attacker.

It helped that she was so small, and after a moment of hesitation, he looked down at her with his lone eye and sighed. He didn't have it in him to argue with her, she'd helped him.. and.. something about having her so close to him almost felt comforting. At the very least, he could ensure that nothing would harm her during his company. Being protective was in his nature, so he wasn't as surprised by his need to make sure was safe as he was his compliance to allow her to sleep so close to him. It took him some time to relax, to allow his muscles to be free of the stress they'd endured when his pain had been at its peak earlier, but... somehow the scent of her so close to him as he rested his heavy skull on top of her finally allowed him to succumb to the call of slumber.

When he finally managed to drift off, it was a deep sleep that probably had some effect from the herbs working through his skin. At least, that is what he told himself. It couldn't be her helping him relax, no. It was the herbs.

When she carefully moved out from underneath him, he was only briefly disturbed. His one eye managed to open just slightly to see a blur of brown moving away from him but it was something he thought he was dreaming. He curled his head in close to his body and closer to himself down his left forelimb and drifted back off to sleep almost immediately.

When she crawled back in, however, it was not as easy for him to continue sleeping through that kind of movement. His head had to accommodate for nearly a foot of difference when she moved back in beneath it and his eye slowly started to widen. As she curled up, he lifted his skull from her and released a wide yawn. He was still tired, but fatigue wasn't an unfamiliar feeling. He'd had to push through it before, and he could do so effortlessly today. He stood up, denying her any chance of finding out how much he'd enjoyed sleeping next to her. He wouldn't mention it, nor show any sign of acknowledging that it'd even happened.

He said nothing and shook the now dried mud free of his thick pelt, then walked over on heavy and groggy steps to the water's edge. A few laps of the cool autumn waters were enough to wake him up and he groaned quite audibly, then stretched out his body much like an.. obese cat would until he felt the pop of his bones. His shoulder was still a bit stiff, but after that pop it felt much... much better. He looked back to her and tilted her head, his 'browdot above his lone eye lifting in question. "Ready to get started?"

When you're taught to love everyone,
To love your enemies,
Then what value does that place on love?