
Lost in A Sea of Green



5 Years
04-19-2018, 07:43 AM
Whatever You Are, Be A Good One

When Serene woke up this morning, she did not intend to go stumbling into an endless field of tall grass, nor did she intend to get herself caught dealing with a potential demon. Perhaps it was harsh to call him that, to be fair, she didn't even know his name, but his demeanor told her a lot about him. But when he explained the favor he would like to ask of her, the fawn woman was speechless. How can he even ask that of me? She thought bitterly, her eyes wide and her ears laid flat against her skull, quite appalled by his request. Serene was pure of all such matters; isolation made sure of that. And although she was more than able to carry a litter now, she hardly found his request appetizing.

Of course Serene would one day want pups of her own, she knew that for some time now. She craved the feeling of motherhood, to pass on her knowledge as her mother had done to her. But this was not how she imagined it, this wasn't how she wanted it to happen. She wanted to connect with someone on a spiritual level, not just out of convenience or weakness. But then again, she was indeed lost in the tall grass, and the male's daunting height made it easier for him to see above the green and towards freedom. So did the fawn woman really have a choice at this point? She was appalled by the offer, but afraid of what might happen if she didn't comply; both from being lost and any possible anger this stranger might be hiding.

And so, with a defeated sigh and a quiet voice, Serene spoke her final answer. "I do not know your name, nor do I particularly trust you, as you are a stranger to me. I do not like your request, but I am no fool. I know I need help to get out of here before the sun bakes me into an early grave." Another deep, shaky breath was taken before she continued. "I agree to your terms, but I won't leave my pups. I will be a good mother to my young, no matter who their sire may be." With that, the tan woman's head would fall slightly off it's usually pedestal, feeling more defeated than relieved to finally have a way out of this cursed place. As she would walk, her head down low, a single thought kept her from bursting into tears; Spring is a long time from now... perhaps he will forget my debt.

--EXIT Serene--
