
I'm still breathing



7 Years
Athena I

04-19-2018, 02:24 PM

All of her optimistic hope that her admission that she wanted him to stay would make him agree and make everything work out magically was unrealistic. She knew that. His doubts were completely justified, even if she was still mildly saddened by the fact that he had them. Her eyes remained on his even as a harder look took over his features and he made a quick lunge toward her. Zuriel felt a confident calm settle over her in a way that was completely unfamiliar to her before now. Her gaze didn't waver and she didn't attempt to duck away from him. "I know, she said quietly to his question even if it was mostly rhetorical. He was dangerous and she knew that all too well. Everything logical told her to send him away, go back to her children, protect them with all she had, and hide behind the wall that was this pack. If she did that though she would never forgive herself. For once she was doing what she wanted to do and not what was expected.

Her expression softened when his gaze dropped from hers and he continued to speak. Hearing that he hadn't hurt anyone else since the night he apologized to her made her happy. Something she hadn't thought about before was the possibility that she wasn't the first or only woman that he had attacked... but that was a possibility she didn't want to consider in this moment. That was a conversation for another day and time. She could only hope that if there were more incidents that those women were doing well and if there were any more children out there... she wanted to meet them some day and make sure they were healthy and well.

It was a strange relief when he said that he wouldn't be able to go far from her, but she knew he was right. It was possible that her family would never forgive him even if she had. Faite might come around given time and a chance to be reintroduced to him, but Zuriel highly doubted Regulus ever could. Of course she had even more family and siblings besides those two, but her litter mates were always the two that she was closest with. It was a good thing that Regulus wasn't here right now. Otherwise they wouldn't be able to have this conversation.

For a moment she was quiet, her gaze drifting away from him while she thought about the options and possibilities they may have. There were really only two options she could think of. Either they stay and she tries to make it work, or they leave. "I'll go with you," She said after a moment of thought, bringing her gaze back to him again. "You're right, they probably won't forgive you.. at least not right away. If they could just see what I see..." She sighed softly, her ears flicking back. It seemed like an insurmountable obstacle in a way, but she had to keep thinking positively and hopefully if she was going to make this work for the both of them. "They'll still be my family and they'll still love me no matter if I leave or stay. I learned that after I left my brother's pack. I want to be with you." Was she saying too much? She didn't want to strain him in any way, but she had to say what was on her mind.

Feeling incredibly daring, Zuriel took a step toward him, shortening the already small distance between them. She had to tip her head up a tad to keep her eyes on his face, but she did it. She wanted to reach up and touch him so bad it hurt. Now that her feelings for him had come to the surface of her mind she was impatient to act on them. "Can I?" she asked, her voice a whisper. If it was too much she didn't want to push him... but how would she know if all of this in her head was real if she didn't try?

"Talk" "You" Think