
Is this what bonding is?



4 Years
04-19-2018, 03:26 PM

Hailey was glad that she had sent Shiva back for her herbs. She was certain she had a few handy things for infection and the owl knew enough to bring them back. It was so hard for it to come by but she swore she had some trillium pulp within her inventory of when she had returned to lirim. Even as a hunter now - she kept herself stocked specially on the precious herbs she gathered while on her own. Hailey didn't care - danger was danger and she wasn't afraid of it. She didn't mind Elias' snapping, it made no difference to her. Considering this must have been a stressful situation whoever they were. Hailey was quick to come up to the side where the male's neck was bleeding. The infected wound definitely gave off a stench, rotting from the sun that shone down on it. How long had this gone untreated?

Shiva returned promptly. Holding a large bannana leaf that the owl often collected for Hailey, full of herbs. Some moss balls with water as well. "Just keep him distracted long enough for me to tend to his infected wound. His others can wait if we can help it." she said. As she knew as soon as she started touching him he'd probably grow more irritated. She grabbed some of the moss balls filled with water and started to trickle the water into the wound, no matter how wiggly or snappy that he was either she was going to get hands on with him. Her paws came forward and pressed into the wound. Infection leaking out as she cleared it. "Stay calm." she muttered before she finished that. Now the wound looked much better. Hailey turned and grabbed the trillium paste. Slathering it onto the neck wound, hoping that would both cool him down and ease the pain that he felt.

She returned to the supplies, the last things would be the horsetail for the wound. Then... Poppy seeds, Lavender and Boneset. She gathered a group of poppy seeds, a little of the lavender and some boneset not much because she didn't want to make him sick. "Make him eat those." Hailey told the male who seemed to be the more stable of the group. He looked injured too, but not as badly as his friend. Hailey turned with the horsetail and set it upon the wound. Slightly poking it within the skin to bind it together. Now that the paste had stopped the bleeding. Hailey knew there was a possibility of herself getting hurt throughout this but she didn't care.

"There... the rest is up to him now. We should get him some place with water. And one of these herbs will need to be periodically applied until his wound becomes not so infected." Hailey noted as she took a step back. Shiva landing between her shoulder blades.
