
Blood or not, you're family


04-19-2018, 05:22 PM
The boy, barely old enough to have been weaned, had found himself in the forest of falling orange, yellow and red. His coat spotted but across it danced the reason for his being out here alone. His mother had watched his coat develope and once it was apparent the darker splotches would not subside from his skin, she took him from his familiar den and left him in the center of this forest. She wasn't coming back for him she had told him, he was told he wouldn't make it either way with his color, she said this was the kindest thing she could do for him. She had given him no name, nothing to help another identify him.

His tail twitched as he watched the sight befor him from the safety of beneath his yellowed bush. with the shade here he hoped he blended in enough to go unnoticed. Some big orange guy was plucking at the bushes nearby and making a big nest it seemed. It was strange. His blue eyes watched the blue eyed orange man with a twitching tail. He couldn't quiet figure him out. A monarch fluttering past caught his eye, his head following the butterfly as it move eraticly. His haunches curled beneath him and he trembled as he got a little excited. Then with a yowl of triumph, prematurely done, he pounced. His paws missed the butterfly and he growled as he looked back at it. His face held a look like he'd been betrayed by the flttering bug as it tried to fly higher and away from him now.

Text "speech" Thought