
Even if it Breaks Your Heart



8 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterDouble MasterTreat 2019Promptober 2019
04-19-2018, 06:29 PM

Clouds strung themselves delicately across the moon as Brandr stalked through the plains. He was to keyed up after the meeting to sleep. He couldn't believe that everything had come crashing down so quickly and he wasn't sure what fighting would entail. He had considered just leaving. How would the Abraxas know who all was here and who left? Unless there was a spy within their pack or Sparrow had let it slip but who just listed off members to a total stranger? He really didn't think either was the case and so he'd taken to patrolling the borders to see if there were any scents on the wind. So far, nothing. There were no Abraxas camping outside their borders. Spirits, he wanted to take Corentine and just leave this mess.

Brandr slowed and felt his heart sting. He didn't want to see Corentine get swept up in a war and seriously wounded or worse. The Abraxas had shown they were willing to kill and he couldn't bear the thought of losing her. He could feel his heart hammering in his chest, his body shivering with anger over this whole thing. He had half a mind to turn the Abraxas strategy against them and go challenge one of their packs. Let's see how Malleus liked it when he was the one on the receiving end! Brandr knew that was foolish though, he didn't think he stood much of a chance against that monster. He didn't even need to meet the other to know that much.

Brandr found himself in some ways regretting ever joining Abaven. He should've sleuthed out the condition of these lands first before making such a commitment but he had been just a pup. A pup fresh off of one pack dissolved thanks to a war and now here he was. He thought back to his mothers words and the old ways of the wanderers. He longed to go back to that but he felt that as a member of Abaven it was his duty to help the others defend it. He just hoped he was strong enough.

A shift in the wind brought the delicate scent of Corentine to him and he felt his heart leap both in joy and sorrow. Seemed she was having quite a few restless nights as of late. He followed the scent to find her laying in the grass. The clouds began to disperse as moonlight flooded the plains. "Hey Corentine, can't sleep either? Is it ok if I join you?"

"Talk" "You" Think