
Ardent's Future



8 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterDouble MasterTreat 2019Promptober 2019
04-19-2018, 06:55 PM (This post was last modified: 04-19-2018, 07:14 PM by Brandr.)
1.  Yes please! I really have enjoyed the site events in the past and I'd like to see them continue. Natural disasters are always a good option for these but I don't have any specific ideas.

2. I'd like to see the skills utilized more. I think they do give a great advantage in fighting but it would be nice to see them used in other areas. Again, I don't have any specific ideas right now. It's been a long week and I'm mentally shot but I wanted to show my support!  

3. Yay specializations!  I like that list you're working on right now. I think I dimly remember seeing the duties and I found them pretty interesting but I believe the system died around the time I joined. I adore the Explorer icon!  -grabby Pyralis paws-  I think it would be nice to see the skills integrated into the game more but I don't think you need to over do it either. I'm speaking for myself but I do like to level up skills for fun and for bragging rights.  -gestures to Pyralis-

4. Yes please!  We really need to do something about this. On average it takes us about 5 hours to judge a fight thoroughly which is insane!  That's a good chunk of the day and when most of us work full time or are juggling kids it makes it impossible to get them done in a decent amount of time. Simplifying the judging form helped a bit but we need to do more. There had been some discussion about using a dice rolling system and I defer to Tea on this!  I believe staff is working on this now and I can't wait to see what you guys come up with!

For my two cents I think it would be good to use it on Spars, Dominance Matches and Minor Maims (like scarring, missing ear, etc.)  Yes, maims should be divided by severity.

• Yes, I think only minor maims, dominance and claims should be allowed in raids. That last raid between Celestial and Talis was utterly ridiculous in terms of the maims. As raids were meant to be sort of a fun, less punishing way to allow for pack conflict I think the really nasty maims should be barred. The only exception I could maybe see being added is if there is a legit IC beef between two particular characters but that is going to be subjective and difficult to determine.

• Yes, I'd like to see the DM's taking out of the sieges. It discourages regular members of packs from participating or makes it more perilous to do so even if their character does not have a direct reason to be targeted. DM's should only occur when there's a good IC reason between the characters.

• Not sure how I feel on the battle-related accessories yet. It's an interesting idea but I'd like to see the regular fights get pinned down first.

• Maaaaattthhhhhhh  - I can't math right now  I'm sorry  xD