
She's the girl with the best intentions



4 Years
Extra small
04-19-2018, 07:01 PM
This place was relaxing for her. The scents of herbs and flowers clung to the wind as it blew ever so gently through the grasses. She was laying there with the remains of some lavender between her paws against her chest. She'd been doing her best to smear its scent and pollen into her fur. She'd figured ot its effects long ago. It made her more relaxed and those that came into contact with her and smelled her scent more relaxed. It was less likely she'd be hurt that way. Her eyeless face was lifted as she took in the wind. Had she had eyelids they'd of been closed but that was the thing about having your face mutilated for someone to offer them to the gods, you kind of lost the ability to ever look normal or feel normal. Her mutilated, or rather, foot was kept atop the other as she laid there. she knew she wasn't a beautiful creature anymore, but she still enjoyed things others might find beautiful. She still remembered the night she had concieved her very first litter, it was in a place like this. Sintaro had stolen away for privacy and told her to go with him. He had described everything to the very last detail.

A pang of sorrow washed over her. It had been the first time another had been kind to her, and it was the last. Her pups had been taken from her and sacrificed by Apostle. Then if that wasn't enough, her tail was taken to complete the sacrifice, by the very man that had given her children in the first place. She had long ago before that lost any will to fight back though, she had lain there and let it happen for fear it would be worse if she didn't.

She was free now though. But she still wasn't even sure. What exactly was freedom? She didn't know.

Tana is a flighty individual, with absolutely no will to fight. She might get scared and run mid-thread, I apologize in advance for this. Its nothing against your characters, she has just had a tough past and has a hard time trusting anyone.