
Monsters In The Dark


04-20-2018, 02:19 AM
He had never been here before. But what he saw so far was quite fascinating. Rusty bits of metal were littered everywhere, most half buried by the sands of time. What caught his attention the most was a huge metal contraption, dusted over and rusty. It was broken, of course. But it was the biggest thing he had ever seen. Walking up to the rusty old tank, sniffing at it for a good while. When his nose touched the cold metal, he jumped back as if expecting it to come to life. After a few moments, he realized that his creature was dead...probably. He was feeling bold, so slowly he placed on paw on it, then two. After testing it by touch, he leaped onto it and climbed to the top where the barrel was, and there he looked out over the world from a new perspective. How long had these things been here? Where did they come from? He had never heard stories of humans before, so he wondered how something so alien and unnatural ended up here. Were they animals? He didn't know.

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