
The Sound of Something New


04-20-2018, 02:45 AM

He was far too busy looking at the scenery around him through the pouring rain that he hadn't immediately noticed someone else coming towards him. One would think he would hear the pitter patter of paws racing across snow, but no. His eyes and mind had been focused elsewhere. And as the male huddled in his little shelter with his back to the rock wall, he frowned. Of course, his frown soon went away to be replaced by surprise when someone else decided to barge in. "Ah, um, excuse me? I'm sorry if you live here but uh... can I come in?" He stared in bewilderment, jaw open as he tried to figure out just where the heck she had come from. He hadn't expected anyone else out here, much less with rain falling from the sky.

It took him a moment to find his voice, but eventually he did. "Uh, yes of course! Iiii don't actually live here," He chuckled nervously, "I just thought I'd get out of the rain.." He nervously cleared his throat. He wasn't really good at small talk, never really had been. Should he say more? Should he leave it at that? Explain to her why he wanted to stay out of the rain? Sure. Why not make the conversation weirder than the situation? "Uh, some weather huh?" Awkward? probably.
