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07-06-2013, 01:33 PM

He could see something close to quiet approval coming through her golden eyes and it made Gael just a little bit better about himself. She apparently was liking what she was hearing, which bode extremely well with the young Adravendi. He was even rewarded in his effort with a smile from the older woman, something that made the young man more confident in his speech with Flint. Yes ma'am, Alacritis has to be one of the most beautiful and diverse lands that have come into existence. Cerulean gems reflected the pride in his voice as he spoke about the land that he had come to call home. Despite having gone out to see the world, there was truly nothing quite like Alacritis.

You say your land is not far from here, is it as beautiful as this? My birth pack lived in a young forest. My grandsire said it was once an ancient stand of trees, trunks as large as three wolves wide, until I fire wipe it all away. Are there any places like that here? For a rogue, she was pretty curious, or at least willing to get to know the land that she had set paw on. I can't quite say that Valhalla, my home, could compare to Alacritis as a whole, but it is a very magnificent place in itself. As far as a territory existing as the one you described here, I would say that there very well could be. The territories here are extremely diverse and range from place to place. He explained Alacritis as best he could, but the thing was that it wasn't really the type of place to be described. It had to be seen rather than heard. At least in his opinion.

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