
I'm yelling, "Timber!" [URGENT MEETING]

Sparrow I


7 Years
04-21-2018, 12:11 AM
OOC votes:
  • Lark: Does not want to fight
    Lillianna: Does not want to fight || Weaken from inside
    Corentine: Rally with other packs || Form band
    Brandr: Fine with not fighting as long as freedom is granted || Unite and fight || Form band
    Caelum: Fight
    Caelestis: Fight
    Arpeggio: Fight

It seems mostly the yearlings and elders want to fight, but they are also yearlings and elders.
The pack must protect the pups.


Sparrow listened thoughtfully to the rest of her pack spoke. Caelum asked about her reservations in fighting. "I do not fear fighting," Sparrow said, looking over her pack, "I fear that my inabilities may negatively impact all of you. When I took the position of alpha, I took on the responsibility of knowing my own strengths and weaknesses and how to keep them from hurting the pack."

Corentine seconded Brandr. Sparrow simply nodded.

Caelestis went on a small rambling about fighting, saying the Abraxas might not be as powerful as they claim. Sparrow shook her head gently. More than one alpha had told her of their power. They had taken down two packs and claimed Auster as their own. Even Dragon spoke of their numbers.

Then Corentine said they could burn the pack.

"We will NOT burn these lands," Sparrow said, her voice raising at Caelestis for the first time. She caught herself and lowered her voice.

"We don't have any fire and we cant conjure a storm in hopes of lightening striking a dry patch. They don't care about the land. They could have all the land in the world. It's a claim thing."

Sparrow thought about having the pack escape as a band. She could hold off Malleus for a while, probably. Make him think things are going okay, but when he inevitably found out, what would happen to her? Would he kill her? Capture her? Worse? Sparrow wouldn't chance it. She had some nightshade that she had collected since visiting the volcano. She could take it before meeting with him so that when things went south... she wouldn't have to suffer through it.

Kassander voiced in support for fighting even in the case of a siege. Sparrow couldn't help but shiver. Kassander did say he would stay if other stayed, though.

Her new cousin Arpeggio voiced in for fighting as a front. She also suggested making the Abraxas choke on their decision. Sparrow chuckled lightly. She liked that idea.

Once more, Brandr spoke about the possibilities. Sparrow nodded along.

Zephyr spoke about his family and how he would be glad to fight.

After Zephyr, a hush fell over the group. Tension hung thick in the air. Sparrow stayed silent for a while as she processed the information.

"I think," she said eventually, looking to Lark. "We should fight them from the inside. For the safety of our members, it might be best to let them have their little takeover as long as we still have our freedom." Sparrow looked at Brandr at that point for confirmation of some sort.

"We can consult the other packs when things have settled," Sparrow said, hey eyes gliding to Corentine. "I have no doubt that the Abraxas may soon be after them and I think it may take a joint effort to take them down."

Sparrow looked towards Caelum, Caelestis, and Zephyr.

"We will fight. I will need someone to help us ready ourselves for that, however I understand if you feel you need to leave. I can't say any other pack is safer, nor being a loner in these times, but that is solely up to you and your family."

Lastly, Sparrow looked at Arpeggio, "We'll let them think they've gotten a nice meal, but then they will choke."

Sparrow looked to the group, "For those that are readily willing to fight, I apologize. If you are truly eager to be in the forefront of this fight, we will certainly need members to take initiative. I can't promise it won't be risky at times if you choose to be a leading aid in our efforts, but I also couldn't have promised your safety in battle."

Sparrow thought for a moment before continuing.

"I will rework the ranks soon to allow for members to have the freedom to gather intel and spread the word to other packs. Training is a must. Find sparring partners. We must learn to fight."

Lastly, Sparrow took a deep and shaky breath, "For any of you that wish to flee, I simply ask that you wait until my meeting with Malleus. After that, I will dismiss you properly. Thank you all for your prompt response and thoughtful input. That is all for now."

Sparrow bowed her head to her pack and waited for any last-minute questions before heading to talk to the Abraxas' alpha.