
Part the Waters


07-06-2013, 01:44 PM

Spring had come and with it it's usual weather. Spring showers were not uncommon in Alacritis, but this particular shower had turned out rather disastrous. Instead of stopping like it usually would about after a day or so, this particular storm hadn't stopped. And instead of draining away like the water usually did, it had begun to collect. And to the young Adravendi surprise, it had flooded the entire plain! He was a particularly tall individual, so the water didn't bother him much, but not everyone was as tall as him. The image of the young boy Garbiel flashed across his mind, as well the little boy's ivory sister. Just because he could overcome the water didn't meant that they could. A summoning howl erupted into the atmosphere, catching the young man's attention. It was his aunt Chyrs; she was calling the pack to arms.

Not wasting any time Gael made his way towards her call, struggling against the rising water, but still managing to get there before anyone else had, in time to catch his aunt's words as she urged Valhalla to gather the members and head to higher ground. Chrysanthe, how may I be of service? Tell me what I can do to make this gathering move quicker and I'm on it. A nod accompanied the young man's words as he looked steadily to his aunt and alpha, awaiting to see what she would appoint him to help out in.

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