
The Sound of Something New


04-21-2018, 01:58 AM

He couldn't hold the little grin or the small bit of laughter that followed her words. He peered out at the rain, listening to it echo through the sound. "Yeah, pretty wet." He commented. Well, if he we gonna be stuck here with someone else, he might as well make light of the situation, right? Besides, she seemed pretty...nice. And bubbly. And...talkative. Trying to be silent or huddled in his own little corner acting like she wasn't even here wouldn't be an option at all, he was sure. She introduced herself as Eden, and the gangly male turned to look at her. "Jinxx, it's nice to meet you too."

He didn't know many others. In fact, asides from the girls he had helped in that avalanche, he didn't know anyone else. Not that he knew them per say, but they were really the only others he had come in contact with. Oh, and some other woman back on that frozen island. Was it just coincidence that all he had met were girls so far? He didn't really think about it until now as he openly and awkwardly stared at this little pastel yearling. Her colors were soft on the eyes, and her eyes were unlike any other color he'd really seen before. It was strange. He was used to eyes of blue, green, and purple. Sometimes red, gold or even brown. But pink? It was certainly different. "Well...I was exploring until it started raining. I take it you're also trying to explore?" What a dumb question. Of course she was! Why else would she be out here in the middle of nowhere??
