
Thick skin and an elastic heart


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
04-21-2018, 03:18 AM

She seemed surprised by his comment. Maybe he had been too straightforward, but it was too late to take the words back. He caught her words of thanks before looking a way, and he pretended not to notice her sudden blushing. More for her sake then his, of course. He would try to refrain from putting her on the spot anymore then he already had. "It's fine, no need to apologize." It was his turn to grin now, a small one, but it was there. "As you wish," Formal? Maybe. He was joking with it, of course. Then again the gentleman he had strove to be was still there. Somewhere. Even after all that time and all that had happened, he had made changes in his life after running from his birth pack.

"I don't usually see anyone else out here at night, you obviously don't have to avoid the sun like the plague like I do, so what brings you out and about so late at night?" Brow spots rose a bit, the titan taking in a breath as he looked around. "Well, it was a nice night. I thought I'd go for a walk," He looked at her from the corner of his eye to see her reaction to that. He wasn't all that good at conversation, and he accepted that. Maybe he was at that age where lame jokes were going to be a thing for him. "Actually, I've been sort of...staying here. It's isolated. There's food, there's water...shade." He shrugged. "I don't have a place to call home, so for now...this is it, I guess."

The place wasn't too bad. He liked the quietness. The isolation it brought. He seldom ran into others. Except for her and his brother, but his brother was more expected. What he didn't expect was a girl like her showing up in the middle of the night. Which got him curious. "For someone who avoids the sun like the plague, I am curious as to what you're doing out here in the desert. There's miles of sand to cross, all with hardly any shelter from the sun. Do you usually wander so far from your pack at night?" He looked at her again, wondering what she would say about that. Of course, he wasn't judging her for it by any means, but he was curious what went through the minds of albino creatures like her who were more susceptible to the sun. Especially one that carried the scent of a pack, though not one that he was familiar with.
