
Chicken, Chicken, Chicken


07-06-2013, 02:10 PM

So he was a potential pack mate, it made her smile a bit, but she better keep her pack plans a secret then. Her red eyes flickered, oh good that meant she didn't have to feel like being a nice person and fetch him some food. She sat down and shook her head. "Valhalla is a nice place I'd be glad to see you if you and your sibling were to come. My cousin also lives in Valhalla." She explained with a smirk. She felt like she was doing them some good recruiting members. Yet considering in the end she would be leaving, though that could be a few years from now. Who knew when she would have the strength and followers to create her own pack. For now, she was just a loyal Valhallan. Even though she was there to prove that she was not a mistake. The beta had told her she was not one and that was a start.
"Is your sister with you?" Vahva asked looking around, perhaps they had gone separate ways for a bit. She knew it was possible. She didn't know what siblings did she was an only child her brothers had been still born. Natsu and Dragneel were her only family and she had not even met Dragneel. Family was family though and that was how she saw it. No matter how many mistakes one could make one had to stand by them. Otherwise the word trust was not used correctly in any situation.
