
I'm still breathing



6 Years
Extra large

04-22-2018, 05:20 AM

As she promised him, he was beyond surprised at how easily he trusted her words. He could feel it from her, so he knew that it was true. If after all that he'd done to her, she still somehow managed to want to leave her sister's pack in favor of coming with him.. he didn't doubt her intentions on staying. This had to be something she'd been thinking about for awhile, and somehow that made all of his time spent in solitude trying to work out resisting against his own demons worth it.

As she stirred, he lowered his forelimb and moved back from her- ending their little embrace but he could still feel the warmth of her against his chest in the cool autumn air. He looked down at her and listened to her words, offering her a stern nod in response to the mentioning of their children. "Yes, but I can stay with you to do so. You don't have to do it alone." Previously, he'd felt so undeserving of being around their children and involving himself in their lives. Yes, they were adults now... but from the looks of Kane when Elias so easily immobilized him, he felt that he finally had something he could offer them. He wanted to be around them, and he wanted to continue his father's work. Would Zuriel approve of this?

One of his ears flicked as he thought about telling her his plans now, but then she mentioned Frost and informed him of Faite no longer leading the pack. He felt a bit of concern for Zuriel's sister, but the way Zuriel spoke.. he was sure that if something had happened to her, she would have mentioned it or seemed a bit more distressed. "I trust that your sister is okay? And, I can stay here for another day- if you'd like me to stay and speak with Frost, as well. I don't know what Lirim will think of you leaving with me, but I don't want to risk them denying you the ability to leave. If you think they would at all, let me stay and talk to them with you."

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

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