
Hidden in the Unknown



6 Years
Extra large

04-22-2018, 07:41 AM

Elias' long limbs carried him with a growing fervor as he kept right on her, following her echo exactly and snapping his jaws at her legs if they came close enough to where he thought he could grab one. She managed to kick him on her way into the water and momentarily stun him, making him lose his footing and stumble at the water's edge while radiating pain of her kick slowly started to burn into his cheek. He growled and dove into the water after her, already noticing Czernobog holding on to her muzzle quite adamantly.

He waded through the water on her left side as she thrashed and tried to shake off Czern, careful to stay out of the way of her and distract her until he was ready to lunge. His jowls parted quite suddenly as he lunged forward, aiming his top incisors into the lower portion of her middle neck. The lack of immediately bursting blood flow told him that he missed her jugular, but his bottom jaw came upward and closed his bite so that he could latch his hold on all the same.

His right forelimb came up to hook over her shoulders and keep him latched on as she thrashed, his back legs pressing against the side of her stomach with his talons digging in to anchor him. Left limb would hold his weight up off of her shoulder as much as possible as he remained on her, half in and half out of the water- using its blessing of near weightless-ness to his advantage. He would have to readjust his bite if he couldn't find it, but he knew he had to be close. His thick neck began to pull left to right, his teeth severing through the flesh in his hold as he aimed to cut into that artery. If she struggled too much, he would have to stop momentarily or fear the loss of his hold all together.

Finally, he found it. The metallic taste of the doe's blood in his mouth became overwhelming as his bottom left canine nicked into her jugular successfully, he let out a growl as his jaw muscles tensed and he focused on that vein and waited for her strength to weaken.

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

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