
the devil sent me ✵ joining



3 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!Treat 2019
04-22-2018, 12:13 PM
ooc: baha, Ashiel is a jerk. If you want I'm fine with extending the default time from 3 days to 1 week if you need some time to look over the fight system.

Watch Me Take That Flicker To Flame

Ashiel watched her face closely, he felt he could see the gears turning in her head but he did not know which way the cogs were spinning. He could agree with her sentiments about handing out devotion and respect but to show all lack of respect an alpha and a godling was intolerable to him. He'd won his empire through blood and that alone, he believed, meant he was worthy of her respect. He was not so desperate for pack members as to allow just anyone in. He had never heard of these dragon gods but he supposed he was passingly curious about them. They could be gods that had been allied with his of course none was greater than the god he was descended from.

"You misunderstand me. I do not require complete devotion to the fallen god but I do require devotion to the Eclipse Empire. No one joins on mere whim." Ashiel was only interested in those who either wanted to learn of his pack in the hopes of joining or had already decided upon joining. He had no time for the passing fancies of a wandering woman.  "The pack exists to serve the fallen god and all who join are expected to pay respect to him and to serve him. There is no escaping that." Ashiel was willing to educate her but it would be difficult if she already held such strong believe in these 'dragon' gods. He doubted they were anything but empty idols. However, Ashiel was a proud creature and her words about his threat being 'empty' stung and he narrowed his eyes but he said nothing. Empty threat? Now that was a challenge if he'd ever heard one. The ruler of the Eclipse Empire did not make empty threats. "Very well…" he grinned darkly. "Good luck on your journeys, I hope your gods protect you." His stance relaxed as she started to turn around. He did not stop her but let her go.

Then with silent lethality he set his defenses. He would show this foolish mortal just how 'empty' his threats were. Ashiel swiftly rolled his shoulders forward, his neck scrunching back and his chin tucking to cover his through. His skull and tail shifted to align with his spine as his hackles laced down his back, his fur standing up on end. Sleek ears pinned tightly to his head as his eyes narrowed. He assessed the approach he wished to take. His toes spread, claws digging into the earth as his limbs spread equidistant apart, his weight distributed evenly over them. His legs coiled to both lower his center of gravity and to prepare to attack. He didn't care about mortal sentiments of 'honor'. All was fair in battle. Those that did not press an advantage were fools.  

Power built in his legs and in a moment it was released. Ashiel pushed off in a powerful leap as he attempted to close the distance between the two of them and attack her directly from behind. He tried to bring himself directly on top of her, seeking to slam his lower chest directly onto the tops of her shoulder blades with his full weight behind the slam in a bid to cause bruising and also cause her to stumble under his sudden weight. Simultaneously, his front legs stretched out as he attempted to wrap them around her. Ashiel hoped to wrap his left foreleg around the left side of the woman's neck, just in front of the woman's front left leg. He sought to wrap his right foreleg around the right side of her neck, just in front of her front right leg hoping to get a hold from which he could hang onto her. In addition he also lifted his hind legs, attempting to place them over her so that he could force her to bear all his weight. Ashiel attempted to wrap his left hind leg under Raquel's stomach, just in front of her left thigh while he tried to wrap his right leg under her stomach in front of her right thigh.

Oh, but he wasn't done. At the same time as he attempted to wrap his limbs around her his jaws strived to lunge for her head. Ashiel rotated his head sharply to his own right, seeking to press his jaws as close to Raquel's head as possible with her left ear positioned between his fangs. His upper fangs sought to be closer to the middle of the woman's head while his lower fangs sought to be to the left of her left ear. His goal was to snap his jaws brutally together to cut through the flesh of her head and slice her left ear off at its base to render it completely from the woman's head. It was a little gift to remember him and a warning that the threats and words of the Abraxas carried a sharp and bloody weight.

Ashiel vs Raquel for Maim [removal of left ear]
Round: 1/? (responder picks the number of rounds, I'm good with whatever)
Height: 42"
Build: Heavy

-- PLEASE NOTE:  Ashiel is an EVIL character and can be prone to acts of swearing, maiming and other violence. --
Consider this your warning.