
I'll eat you whole



11 Years
Athena I
07-06-2013, 02:45 PM

Alena was pulled out of her thoughts by the brute's voice, her ears lifting to face him again as she listened to his instruction. He was right, no matter how much she didn't want to move it was necessary. At his prompting she pulled herself to her feet, gritting her teeth to pull though the pain that shot through her limbs. Even though her attackers hadn't landed too many blows on the fea, the ones they had managed had been bad ones. Her shoulder felt shredded from the pull of the rogue's teeth and the bite on her back leg was just bad enough to make her leg feel weak underneath her. These on top of all the smaller cuts on her legs and chest were really affecting her. She hadn't often been injured and never as badly as this.

She gritted her teeth and pushed through it, never the less. She had a bad limp, but she managed to walk side by side with Demonio all the same, quickly leaving the carnage of the scene behind them. She knew they must look like quite the pair, their white fur matted with blood with gashes just adding to the bloody mess as they walked. She wasn't sure where they were heading, but she trusted this brute enough now to let him lead the way. He had more than earned her trust at this point. She hoped they got where ever it was that they were going soon, however, because she wasn't sure now much longer she could bear walking on her shoulder like this.
